2014.07- 2016.06beat365正版唯一官网 讲师
2016.07至2021.06 beat365官方登录入口动物科技学院 副教授 硕导
2021.07至今 beat365正版唯一官网 教授 硕导
2003.09-2007.06 东北农业大学 动科专业 农学学士
2007.09-2010.06 东北农业大学 动物遗传育种与繁殖专业 农学硕士
2010.09-2014.06 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所 动物遗传育种与繁殖专业 农学博士
2011.12-2013.01 德国联邦农业研究中心家养动物遗传研究所(公派) 联合培养博士
主要从事家养动物群体遗传多样性评价和经济性状选育方面的基础研究及相关教学工作。近年来在多次赴德国、比利时、奥地利、法国、荷兰、越南等地进行广泛学术交流与学习。长期作为BMC Genomics、PLos One、Animal Genetics、Animals、Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark、畜牧兽医学报等国内外学术期刊审稿人,担任Frontiers in Genetics编委。
授权专利20余项,主持国家自然基金(面上、青年各一项)、重庆市自然基金等各类省部级科研项目16项,总经费约400余万。在Molecular Immunology、Frontiers in Genetics、Animal Genetics等国内外学术期刊发表科研论文90余篇,其中SCI收录近70余篇。指导获得2020年beat365官方登录入口本科毕业论文一等奖1项;获四川省青年科技联合会“成渝地区双城经济圈科技创新联盟项目评估咨询专家”“beat365官方登录入口优秀教师”、“beat365官方登录入口优秀指导教师”等荣誉称号。
(3)指导本科生参加 2022美国老员工数学建模竞赛和交叉学科建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)获得一等奖(Meritorious Winner)(美国数学及其应用联合会主办)
1.Guo Y, He YM, Yang BG , Zhang WY, Chen BE, Huang YF, Zhao YJ, Zhang DP, Ma YH, Chu MX, E GX#. Investigation of mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity and phylogeny of goats worldwide. Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2022 JUN 21;6: 1830-1837. Doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(21)63882-0. (SCI, IF=4.38,JCR Q1)
2.Zhang WY, Yuan Y, Zhang HY, He YM, Liu CL, Xu L, Yang BG, Ren HX, Wang GF, E GX#. Genetic basis investigation of wattle phenotype in goat using genome-wide sequence data. Animal Genetics. 2022 Jun 24. doi: 10.1111/age.13235. (SCI, IF=2.88,JCR Q1)
3.He Y, Huang Y, Wang S, Zhang L, Gao H, Zhao Y, E G #. Hereditary Basis of Coat Color and Excellent Feed Conversion Rate of Red Angus Cattle by Next-Generation Sequencing Data. Animals. 2022 Jun 9;12(12):1509. doi: 10.3390/ani12121509. (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
4.Gong Y, Zhang HY, Yuan Y, He Y, Zhang W, Han Y, Na R, Zeng Y, Luo J, Yang H, Huang Y, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, E GX#. Genome-Wide Selection Sweep between Wild and Local Pigs from Europe for the Investigation of the Hereditary Characteristics of Domestication in Sus Scrofa. Animals. 2022 Apr 15;12(8):1037. doi: 10.3390/ani12081037. (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
5.Yuan Y, Zhang W, Liu C, He Y, Zhang H, Xu L, Yang B, Zhao Y, Ma Y, Chu M, Zhao Z, Huang Y, Han Y, Zeng Y, Ren H, Wang G, E G#. Genome-Wide Selective Analysis of Boer Goat to Investigate the Dynamic Heredity Evolution under Different Stages. Animals. 2022 May 26;12(11):1356. doi: 10.3390/ani12111356. (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
6.Pan B, Long H, Yuan Y, Zhang H, Peng Y, Zhou D, Liu C, Xiang B, Huang Y, Zhao Y, Zhao Z, E G#. Identification of Body Size Determination Related Candidate Genes in Domestic Pig Using Genome-Wide Selection Signal Analysis. Animals. 2022 Jul 19;12(14):1839. doi: 10.3390/ani12141839. (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
7.E GX, Zhou DK, Zheng ZQ, Yang BG, Li XL, Li LH, Zhou RY, Nai WH, Jiang XP, Zhang JH, Hong QH, Ma YH, Chu MX, Gao HJ, Zhao YJ, Duan XH, He YM, Na RS, Han YG, Zeng Y, Jiang Y, Huang YF. Identification of a Goat Intersexuality-Associated Novel Variant Through Genome-Wide Resequencing and Hi-C. Frontiers in Genetics. 2021 Feb 9;11:616743. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.616743. (SCI, IF=4.77,JCR Q2)
8.E GX, Zhu YB, Basang WD, Na RS, Han YG, Zeng Y. Comparative and selection sweep analysis of CNV was associated to litter size in Dazu black goats. Animal Biotechnology. 2021 Dec;32(6):792-797. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2020.1753756. (SCI, IF=2.14,JCR Q4)
9.He YM, Hong QH, Zhou DK, Wang SZ, Yang BG, Yuan Y, Zhang WY, Huang YF, E GX#. Genome-wide selective detection of Mile red-bone goat using next-generation sequencing technology. Ecology and Evolution. 2021 Oct 12;11(21):14805-14812. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8165. (SCI, IF=3.17,JCR Q2 )
10.Xu L, Liu C, Na R, Zhang W, He Y, Yuan Y, Zhang H, Han Y, Zeng Y, Si W, Zhao YJ, Zhao ZQ, Huang YF, E GX#. Genetic Basis of Follicle Development in Dazu Black Goat by Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing. Animals 2021, 11, 3536.https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11123536 (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
11.Du L, Duan X, An B, Chang T, Liang M, Xu L, Zhang L, Li J, E G#, Gao H#. Genome-Wide Association Study Based on Random Regression Model Reveals Candidate Genes Associated with Longitudinal Data in Chinese Simmental Beef Cattle. Animals. 2021 Aug 27;11(9):2524. doi: 10.3390/ani11092524. (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
12.Duan X, An B, Du L, Chang T, Liang M, Yang BG, Xu L, Zhang L, Li J, E G#, Gao H#. Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Growth Curve Parameters in Chinese Simmental Beef Cattle. Animals. 2021 Jan 15;11(1):192. doi: 10.3390/ani11010192. (SCI, IF=3.23,JCR Q1)
13.Yang BG, Yuan Y, Zhou DK, Ma YH, Mahrous KF, Wang SZ, He YM, Duan XH, Zhang WY, E G#. Genome-wide selection signal analysis of Australian Boer goat reveals artificial selection imprinting on candidate genes related to muscle development. Animal Genetics. 2021 Aug;52(4):550-555. doi: 10.1111/age.13092. (SCI, IF=3.169,JCR Q1)
14.Gong Y, Guo Y, He YM, Yuan Y, Yang BG, Duan XH, Liu CL, Zhang JH, Hong QH, Ma YH, Na RS, Han YG, Zeng Y, Huang YF, Zhao YJ, Zhao ZQ, E G#. Comparative analysis of the genetic diversity of the neutral microsatellite loci and second exon of the goat MHC-DQB1 gene. Animal Biotechnology. 2021 Jul 21:1-8. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2021.1935980. (SCI, IF=2.14,JCR Q4)
16.E GX, Chen LP, Zhou DK, Yang BG, Zhang JH, Zhao YJ, Hong QH, Ma YH, Chu MX, Zhang LP, Basang WD, Zhu YB, Han YG, Na RS, Zeng Y, Zhao ZQ, Huang YF, Han JL. Evolutionary relationship and population structure of domestic Bovidae animals based on MHC-linked and neutral autosomal microsatellite markers. Molecular Immunology. 2020 Aug;124:83-90. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2020.05.005. (SCI, IF=4.407,JCR Q3)
17.E GX, Zhou DK, Yang BG, Duan XH, Na RS, Han YG, Zeng Y. Association analysis of sixty-seven single nucleotide polymorphisms with litter size in Dazu Black goats. Animal Genetics. 2020 Feb;51(1):151-152. doi: 10.1111/age.12879. (SCI, IF=3.169,JCR Q1)
18.Guang-Xin E, Yang BG, Zhu YB, Duang XH, Basang WD, Luo XL, An TW. Genome-wide selective sweep analysis of the high-altitude adaptability of yaks by using the copy number variant. 3 Biotech. 2020 Jun;10(6):259. doi: 10.1007/s13205-020-02254-w. (SCI, IF=2.406,JCR Q4)
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